Global Information Tracker
It is a version control system (VCS) or source code management (SCM).
- Git is used to track the files.
- It will maintain multiple versions of the same file.
- It is platform-independent.
- It is free and open-source.
- They can handle larger projects efficiently.
- They save time and developers can fetch and create pull requests without switching.
- It is 3rd generation of vcs.
- In this stage git is only aware of having files in the project.
- It will not track these files until we commit those files.
- The staging area is like a rough draft space, it's where you can git add the version of a file or multiple files that you want to save in your next commit.
- In other words, in the next version of your project.
- Repository in Git is considered as your project folder.
- A repository has all the project-related data.
- It contains the collection of the files and also history of changes made to those files.
The Local Repository is everything in your .git directory. Mainly what you will see in your Local Repository are all of your checkpoints or commits. It is the area that saves everything (so don’t delete it).
The remote repository is a Git repository that is stored on some remote computer.
This will be present in our GITHUB
- yum install git -y
- git init .
- Create a file : touch filename
- Now add that file : git add . (Dot represents current directory)
- commit the file with message : git commit -m "commit message you want" filename
- To see details of that file : git log
- To untrack : git rm --cached filename
- To show commit file : git show commit id --name-only file_name
- To see only commit id's and msgs : git log --oneline
- To see last 2 commits : git log -2
- To see all commits for a single file : git log --follow --all filename
- Git add command is a straightforward command. It adds files to the staging area.
- We can add single or multiple files at once in the staging area.
- Every time we add or update any file in our project, it is required to forward updates to the staging area.
- The staging and committing are co-related to each other.
- It is used to record the changes in the repository.
- It is the next command after the git add.
- Every commit contains the index data and the commit message.
- The git status command is used to display the state of the repository and staging area.
- It allows us to see the tracked, untracked files and changes.
- This command will not show any commit records or information.
- git config "username"
- git config ""
NOTE: now give the git log command to see changes, it won't work because after configuring we haven't done anything.
Now create a file and commit that file and give git log you will see changes as you configure.
- It will be useful when you don't want to track some specific files then we use a file called .gitignore
- create some text files and create a directory with "jpg" files.
- vi .gitignore
- *.txt
- A branch represents an independent line of development.
- The git branch command lets you create, list, rename, and delete branches.
- The default branch name in Git is master.
- To see current branch : git branch
- To add new branch : git branch branch-name
- To switch branches : git checkout branch-name
- To create and switch at a time : git checkout -b branch-name
- To rename a branch : git branch -m old new
- To clone a specific branch : git clone -b branch-name repo-URL
- To delete a branch : git branch -d <branch>
- To delete branch in github : git push origin --delete branch_name
The -d option will delete the branch only if it has already been pushed and merged with the remote branch. Use -D instead if you want to force the branch to be deleted, even if it hasn't been pushed or merged yet. The branch is now deleted locally.
Now all the things you have done is on your local system.
Now we will go to GIT HUB.
GIT makes merging super easy!
CONFLICTS generally araise when two people two people have changed the same lines in a file (or) if one developer deleted a file while another developer is working on the same file!
In this situation git cannot determine what is correct!
Lets understand in a simple way!
cat>file1 : hai all
add & commit
git checkout -b branch1
cat>file1 : 1234
add & commit
git checkout master
cat>>file1 : abcd
add & commit
git merge branch1 : remove it
git diff file1
vim file1
Presentations are communication tools that can be
used as demonstrations, lectures, speeches, reports,
and more. It is mostly presented before an audience.
Presentations are communication tools that can be used
as demonstrations, lectures, speeches, reports, and more.
It is mostly presented before an audience.
open file in VIM EDITOR and delete all the conflict dividers and save it!
add git to that file and commit it with the command (git commit -m "merged and resolved the conflict issue in abc.txt")
if you have 5 commits in master branch and only 1 commit in devops branch, to get all the commits from master branch to devops branch
we can use rebase in git. (command: git rebase branch_name)
GIT cherry-pick:
if you have 5 commits in master branch and only 1 commit in devops branch, to get specific commit from master branch to devops branch
we can use cherry pick in git. (git cherry-pick commit_id).
Using the git stash command, developers can temporarily save changes made in the working directory. It allows them to quickly switch contexts when they are not quite ready to commit changes. And it allows them to more easily switch between branches.
Generally, the stash's meaning is "store something safely in a hidden place."
- git stash
- ls
- git stash apply
- ls
- git stash list
- git stash pop
- git stash clear
git show <commit> --stat : you’ll see the commit summary along with the files that changed and details on how they changed.
git commit --amend -m “New commit message” : to edit the commit message
git commit --amend --no-edit : used to add some files in previous commit. (--no-edit means that the commit message does not change.)
git update-ref -d HEAD : used to delete 1st commit in the git
git reset commit: used to delete all the commits (upto the commit id)
git commit --amend --author "Author Name <Author Email>" : used to change the author of latest commit
When there are changes on the main branch that you want to incorporate into your branch, you can either merge the changes in or rebase your branch from a different point.
merge takes the changes from one branch and merges them into another branch in one merge commit.
rebase adjusts the point at which a branch actually branched off (i.e. moves the branch to a new starting point from the base branch).
Generally, you’ll use rebase when there are changes are made in main/master branch that you want to include in your branch. You’ll use merge when there are changes in a branch that you want to put back into main.
to merge: git merge branch_name
to rebase: git rebase branch_name
GitHub is a web-based platform used for version control.
It simplifies the process of working with other people and makes it easy to collaborate on projects.
Team members can work on files and easily merge their changes in with the master branch of the project.
It means having same files in another folder.
To clone a git repo we need to have a repository and also check our present working directory.
- git clone repo_url
now we just cloned the files in repo-A to repo-B.
But before cloning we need to add and commit our files.
- If you want to merge branch-1 with branch-2 switch to branch-1 first and give command
git merge branch-2
- now that command had merged the content of branch-1 to branch-2.
- Whatever the content in branch-1 will be seen in branch-2 now.
- Speed
- Simplicity
- Fully Distributed
- Excellent support for parallel development, support for hundreds of parallel branches.
- Integrity
- Windows support issue.
- Entire download of the project history may be impractical and consume more disk space if the project has long history.
push some from local to central and add some commits in central. you can see those central commits from local
by using git fetch.
git fetch is used to get the updates from central repo.
git fetch : used to get the changes from central to local
git status : to see the differences of the commits
git log origin/branch_name : to see the logs of remote repo
to get those changes from central to local we use
git pull origin branch_name